Thursday, February 28, 2013

Activity 3.3.4 Energy Codes

1.    Follow the link to What’s Happening in Your State. Based on the map and key, what is the status of the energy codes in Indiana (where the Keystone Library building is located)? What is the energy code status in neighboring states? What is the energy code status in your state? 

In Indiana is Equivalent to ASHRAE 90.1-2007 and Indiana is acually my state. If we looked at a neighboring state like ohio and illinois. Illinois is Equivalent to 2012 IECC and ohio is Equivalent to 2009 IECC.
2.    What is needed in order to comply with the energy code (using the prescriptive approach presented in the PowerPoint) with regard to the unheated slab on grade for the Keystone Project? If the project were located in Montana, what would be the requirement for perimeter slab insulation? 

There is nothing special we need in Indiana and if it was in Montana it still isn't needed.
3. Calculate the percentage of exterior wall composed of fenestration to verify that the area of fenestration is less than or equal to 40%.

4. Assume that the client would like to provide shading for the fenestrations on the south face of the building in order to protect the library books and resources from damage from the sun. Research methods to provide window shading and paste in a preliminary design that would provide shading such that the resulting projection factor does not restrict the use of windows based on the Solar Heat Gain Coefficient.
There are many things you can do to shade some of the sun light. you could buy some shades to put over the windows or you could buy a awning to block some of the direct sun light. Or possiably you could buy tinted windows to block some light but you will still have the great view.
5. Calculate the heat loss through the new second floor wall in the Keystone Library Renovation. Assume an interior temperature of 68 degrees F and an exterior temperature of 32 degrees F. 

6.    What is the purpose of energy codes?

The purpose of energy codes is to set minimum energy reguirements to create a baseline for builders and re-modelers to use.  

7.    How does adding a vestibule improve energy efficiency?

A vestibule is basically a double door entrance so the doors to the lobby are not being opened into the out side air a bunch everyday with double doors it creates a pocket a of trapped air that has a r -value and it keeps heat from going straight out side. 
8.     What recommendations would you make to improve the energy efficiency of the existing structure during the renovation process for the Keystone Library?
heat rises so during the winter you could turn off the heat up stairs and just have the heat on down stairs. then in the summer you could have ac on only up stairs. Also use higher grade insulation to decrease heat loss 

Thursday, January 24, 2013

Activity 3.1.2

1. Identify the Building Code that applies in Noblesville by reviewing Section 154.04 Adoption of Rules by Reference in the Noblesville Code of Ordinances.
Article 14 - One and Two Family Dwelling Codes

2. Visit the Indiana Association of Building Officials website at and follow the link to Current Codes. On which model code is the current Indiana Building Code based?
2006 International Building Code

3. Using the International Building Code, find the Use and Occupancy classification of the proposed new Keystone Building.
A-3 Assembly uses intended for worship, recreation or amusement  
4. Using the International Building Code, describe each of the four types of construction. Based on the existing structure, under which of these types of construction could the Keystone Building fall? See section 503.1.
1.)  Steel Framing Encased in concrete
2.)  Steel Framing
3.)  Noncombustible material
4.)  Heavy timber
The Keystone building falls under all 4 types.

5. Compare the allowable Building Heights and Areas (IBC 2009 Table 503) for the Keystone Library using different construction types. What is the least restrictive construction type that can be used for the Keystone Library? Is a fire-protective layer required over the structural elements? Note: The letter A indicates that the structural members are protected by a fire-rated coating or cover (sheetrock, spray on, or another approved method). The letter B indicates that the structural members are not protected by an additional fire-rated coating or cover.
Type B is the least constructive type.
6. What materials do you propose to use for the new interior walls and floor for the Keystone Building? Justify your answer.
Fire treated wood interior, bricks, or MCU

7. Use the IBC to determine the Occupant Load (IBC 2009 Section 1004) for the Keystone Building assuming a second floor is added per the Keystone Library Renovation Preliminary Building plans (see Revit file). For now, conservatively assume that the second floor is entirely stacks and that the first floor is entirely reading rooms. In addition, because there is currently no plan to include an outside stairway to the roof, assume that the occupants of the green roof must exit through the 2nd floor. The building inspector has determined, based on the planned use of the green roof as additional reading area, that the occupant load for the green roof may be based on the requirements for reading rooms.
First Floor Area = 8833ft^2
                                           177 People can be on floor one
            Second Floor area 4453ft2
                               45 people on floor two
Green Room Area 4380ft^2
                               88 people on green area
             Total occupant load 310 people 

8. The occupant load is used to determine the minimum egress width for the building. Use the IBC to determine the required total egress width (IBC 2009 Section 1005) for the Keystone Building including the second floor.
Total Express Width
311occupation total*.02inches =62.2 inches
Required star egress form 2nd floor
.03 inches * (44+88) occupants = 40.2 inches

9. What is the minimum number of exits required for the Occupant Load (IBC 2009 Section 1021)?
10. Read IBC 2009 Section 1021.2. Is it permissible to have only a single exit from the ground floor? From the second floor? Justify your answers.
Four exits are the minimum requirement. the reason is, we cant expect 310 people to all get out of one exit quickly, 4 exits would insure everyone is safe.

The answers to the following questions should be researched in the Noblesville Code of Ordinances and the Noblesville Zoning Map.

11. In which zoning designation does the Keystone building property lie? (Refer to the Keystone Library Site Location Map to help locate the site on the zoning map.)
Planned Business
12. Describe the purpose of this zoning designation. Document your answer with a section number from the code.
The purpose of the PD district is to encourage well-planned business uses , particularly with respect to unified design, safe ingress-egress, adequate and properly located parking and surface facilities and convenient and safe pedestrain accessibility.  
 I found this answer in 159.107

13. What is the minimum lot size within this designation? Does the Keystone Property meet this requirement? Document your answer with a section number of the code.
The minimim lot size is 20,000ft.^2 It meets the requirement.   
14. What is the maximum building height according to the Noblesville ordinance?
the max is 3 stories
15. Read Section 159.120 of the Noblesville Code of Ordinances. Record any information that is important to the redevelopment of the Keystone building.
A) Allowable Use of Land and building. "B" property access. Every building here after erected or moved shall be located on a lot with frontage and access on a  street, and provided for safe and convenient access, fire protection, and required off-street parking, except as otherwise provided in section 159.107
16. Is the Use proposed in Keystone Building Project permitted on this property? Document your answer.
Yes is it permited, found in 159.120
17. When developing a property, when is landscaping and screening required?
 (1)     Interior parking lot islands;
 (2)     Perimeter parking lot buffering;  

 (3)     Buffering for non-residential uses abutting residential uses;
 (4)     Surrounding outdoor storage and waste disposal areas;

 (5)     Other situations as required in this chapter or as determined by the Director of Planning and Development, Technical Advisory Committee, Plan Commission, or Board of Zoning Appeals, as applicable

Monday, December 17, 2012

Habitat for humanity house

The Affordable House Project is a Habitat For Humanity House Located in Noblesville, IN. A map is shown below. This house is for the Alex Poratta family. The family consists of one adult and no children. This house is a two bedroom home. I have incorporated the following sustainable design features: All water using appliances are in one area of the house . Mr. Poratta didn't ask for anything specific . As the architect, I had to stay within the Habitat for Humanity Guidelines, so I had to stay below 900 square feet for the house. This posed a special challenge to fit everything in. To do this, I chose a simple design, and incorporated some space saving features like many rooms in one, and a open floor plan. In the end, the client and I came up with a suitable design.



Room Schedule

Plumbing Plan with key

Monday, September 17, 2012

Activity 1.2.1 This is Your Career

At the end of many questions you have been asked to cite your source. Where indicated you must cite any sources that you used to respond to the questions.

1.    What is your age?
26 :)
2.    Where do you live?

Washington, DC. :)
3.    What do you like to do outside of work?

Red skin games with cole and brendyn :)
4.    What is your job title?

Junior Designer:)
5.    When and why did you choose your career path?

Right now I like drawing and designing things :)
6.    What is the name of your company or employer?

I work at a classs A business called CORE :)
7.    Describe your primary duties and skills. [Cite your source(s)]

My job is to help the senior designer with whatever he needs help with.  :)
8.    Describe your physical work environment.

A small cubical in a big building. :)
9.    What is your favorite part of your job?

Being able to work by my self. :)
10. What is your salary? [Cite your source(s)]

11. Which accredited school did you first attend, and what was your degree? [Cite your source(s)]

12. Describe in detail three of the courses that you took which are closely related to your current career. [Cite your source(s)]
Architectural Design Studio, Graduate architecture studio involves topical architectural problems. Students are expected to increasingly define their own interests and take initiative in defining design concepts, tasks, and opportunities; Historic Preservation Design Studio,
Selected problems and issues in historic preservation at all scales in an applied context. Opportunity to implement concepts learned in a creative environment. Field trips to project sites; Architecture Workshop; Graduate architecture workshop involves short exploratory architectural exercises or projects.

13. Describe the two courses that you considered most challenging. [Cite your source(s) and include a course listing from the appropriate degree program]

14. What resources did your school have available to help you get through the most difficult courses? [Cite your source(s)]

the library and computer labs helped me reasearch questions i have. :)
15. Regarding the two most challenging courses, how did you persevere?  

I had the desire to become the best possible Architect that I could.
16. From what school(s) did you receive graduate degrees? [Cite your source(s)]

Ball State University :)
17. What was the title or titles of the degree(s)? [Cite your source(s)]

18.  What licenses do you have and what were the exams required to receive those licenses? [Cite your source(s)]

I am a licensed Architect. And I had to have an internship. Then I had to take a test called the Architect Registration Examination. Then I was a licensed architect. But for California I had to take an additional test called California Supplemental Examination.
19. How would your clients and co-workers describe you?

they would concider me a very unorganzied boss and not very good at time management ;)
20. What do you hope to accomplish at the conclusion of your career?

i want to help many people live happy comfortable lives. :)
21.  Why should a high school student consider a career in your field?  What important contribution(s) can they make?

it is a very fun hands on career and we need a lot of people in this field. :)

1.    You described a career related to civil engineering and/or architecture. Is this the career field that you are currently most interested in at this stage in your life?

no. im actually planning on being a air plane pilot. :)

2.    Rank and describe the three most important characteristics that you value in choosing a post-secondary school.

1.)  Courses avaliable
2.)  Price
3.)  Good Teachers- teach on all levels and learning abilities
3.    Rank the following in the order of importance to you regarding a career: job satisfaction; salary; making a difference; level of responsibility; titles; benefits; hours; co-workers; supervisors.  How will a career in civil engineering or architecture satisfy the factor that you ranked highest?

1.) Salary
2.) Level of Responsibility
3.) Job Satisfaction 4.) Making a difference
5.) Titles
6.) Hours
7.) Benefits
8.) Co-Workers
9.) Supervisors

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Activity 1.1.1 History of Civil Engineering and Architecture

1.     Define civil engineering.

an engineer trained in design and contruction of  public works such as bridges, dams, and other large facilities
2.     Define architecture.

art and science of designing buildings for habitations.
3.     Describe the origination of the concept of architecture?
4.     In ancient times how were building materials chosen?

materials were chosen based on availibility and climate
5.     Give two examples of vernacular architecture.
mud building
and stone building in greek times

6.     Name and describe the type of system used to create many early buildings.
the greeks use post-and-lintel, it was easy and could hold a lot of weight. 

7.     What was the purpose of the Egyptian pyramids? Mexican pyramids?
the were tombs for dead famous people

8.     What kind of construction method was used to build the Parthenon? Made a simple sketch to illustrate.
Post-and-Lintel Construction
9.     What problem in architecture led to this form of construction?
roofs were falling down

10. Explain how an arch is created.
start with two posts and start making a half circle to connect them
11.  How is the vault used in civil engineering?
helps makes bridges and walk ways

12.  Give an example of an arch and dome system.
arch= colliseum
dome= patheon
13.  Give an example of a modern material we have that was not available to the ancients. How did this restrict construction in ancient times?

steel or iron, this lets us build things bigger and better.
14.  What was the purpose of the Roman aqueducts?

it carried watter from the moutains into the city.
15.  Compare ancient Greek roads to ancient Roman roads.

the greek roads were made for trading the roman roads were made for people and trading
16. Describe an ancient Roman bridge.
made from stones and normally made in a arch
17. How did building materials and methods change after the Romans?
they didnt use stone and heaving materials as much.
1.     Give an example of a modern pyramid not shown in the presentation. How does its function differ from that of the Egyptian pyramids? What do you think accounts for this difference?

the materials and sixe differ, it can be made bigger because of the steel and glass. this is much stronger than stone.
2.     Give an example of a modern structure that uses an arch and dome system.

arch: st. louis Gateway

Dome: st. peter's dome
3.     What is the main purpose of modern roads? How is the cost of modern roadways defrayed?

to make trivaling easier and safer. the cost has gone up because of the cost of gas.